Saturday, February 29, 2020

Affirmative Action Affirmative Action Essays

Affirmative Action Affirmative Action Essays The lawsuit sent shockwaves across the nation. Though the case centered on college admission practices, affirmative action plays a role in many everyday matters, especially towards procedures regarding employment. Before delving into discourse and opinions, the background and history of affirmative action should be discussed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to writer Stephen Cahn, affirmative action’s origins stem from an executive order that John F. Kennedy wrote in regards to the hiring practices of employers. Cahn writes that the President’s Committee on Equal Opportunity Employment stated federal contractors â€Å"...will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin. The Contractor will take affirmative action, to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." The principle of this order from President Kennedy was more developed with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which in part stated that "No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federa l financial assistance." About one year later, President Lyndon B. Johnson defined the concept of affirmative action emphasizing that civil rights laws alone were not enough to resolve discrimination. Just months later, President Johnson issued an order to enforce affirmative action toward prospective minority employees in all aspects of hiring and employment. Employers must take specific measures to ensure equality in hiring and must document these efforts.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Assisted Migration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assisted Migration - Essay Example The traditional environmental preservation concept sought to preserve the environmental conditions, and thus make them more suitable and habitable for the plant and animal species, without any interference with the species that would entail moving them. Climatic change has occurred following global warming, deforestation and other human-interruptive environmental activities, which has rendered the climate and the habitats for various species to consistently change, and thus become less habitable by the species that previously lived in such environments (Assisted Migration, 84). With these changes, the species of organisms are trying to move from the regions where the environmental conditions have been disrupted, to the regions where the environment is naturally suitable for them. This discussion seeks to argue that we ought to engage in Assisted Migration. Explanation of an argument Assisted Migration is necessary in the modern climatic conditions, to ensure that the plant and animal species that are living in regions that do not favor them, are rescued and moved to other regions, where they can co-exist favorably and continue to thrive. Human beings are the ultimate contributors to the environmental and the climatic changes that have been experienced in the world (Assisted Migration, 77). ... ensure that the living organisms have been moved to the safer and environmentally friendly regions, which are compatible with their natural requirements. Considering that the damage is already done in certain environmental conditions where such species used to co-exist, the only way of guarding against the extinction of such species is finding for a favorable environment for them, and then moving the species there. It is therefore the responsibility of human beings to ensure that the species that would have survived, without the climate change that the humans have caused, continues to survive, no matter what (Assisted Migration, 77). This commitment requires that humans will do everything, even if it means moving the organisms that are stressed out to an environment that is friendly to them, as long as it is sure that the species will thrive under the new climate. This serves as the fundamental basis for supporting the thesis that; we ought to engage in Assisted Migration, since the survival and safeguarding against the extinction of endangered species is paramount, which calls for the necessary measures to be adopted to ensure the survival of such organisms, notwithstanding the costs or the implication of this act on the organisms’ baseline (Assisted Migration, 76). Reasonable criticism to the argument While the concept of Assisted Migration is vital to ensure the survival and continued thrive of endangered species, while guarding them against extinction, it is detrimental and disruptive to the natural species, since it amounts to the creation of invasive species (Assisted Migration, 78). Thus, any attempt to move organisms from their natural habitat to a different one, despite the fact that it would enhance the survival of such species, will violate the integrity

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Education and Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Education and Freedom - Essay Example De-monopolizing public educational institutions would ensure that standards are raised, students and teachers are better motivated, greater innovation would be allowed, costs would be brought down and specific needs of children would be met (Ayse, 2012). Public education is not consistent with responsibility and freedom. Public education in fact wears away personal freedom and that is why it should be replaced with market solutions, competition, and parental choice. Since parents are charged with their children’s education, then it means families would be best suited in a free market to decide which educational institutions are best suited for their children. Education being an economic commodity should be bought in the marketplace dictated by valuation and preferences of consumers. Thus in an education market that is free, students and parents would be at liberty to make a decision on the basis of perceived benefits and costs of each available option. Essentially, education procurement does not vary from acquiring any other private commodity. Schools that are market-based have got incentives that provide quality education at a price that is competitive. Thus the separation of education and state would reinstate academic inte grity, intellectual freedom as well as individual accomplishment. The free market can best furnish the public with high quality education services. The finest school choice plan therefore is the one based on free market (Harry, 2013). Colleges should prepare people to be good citizens. The purpose of education has been debated world over by teachers, scholars, statesmen and several considerate men and women. There has always been one predictable answer; knowledge acquisition. Even more complete is the utterance made by the Archbishop of York that â€Å"the true purpose of education is to produce citizens.† This statement sounds true not only the day it was uttered but also today. However in the modern day society, it’s a main