Monday, December 30, 2019

The Current State Of International Politics - 2346 Words

In this paper I will argue that the current state of international politics is characterized more by cooperation then conflict, and the international politics today is more cooperative then it was in previous eras of international relations. The change in behavior is a result of increased participation in formal international institutions, and the growing interconnectedness of societies as a result of globalization. The shift in international relations from conflictual to cooperative behavior can be seen in international security, monetary relations, and the environment, as states, combined with new non-state actors have begun to utilize formal institutions to generate solutions to international tribulations. INTERNATIONAL SECURITY The anarchic nature of international politics creates insecurity for states at the international level, forcing states to develop institutions to create their own security. Throughout history, actors have developed various approaches to mitigate the anarchy of international politics, such as arms build up, alliances, and hegemonic balances of power. While these systems may offer some cooperation, given the multipolar nature of the world today and the increase in security threats from non-state, transnational actors, our current system of collective security institutions has created a new era cooperation in international security. Security Previous Eras In previous eras of international relations, states have attempted to gain securityShow MoreRelatedState Is the Most Important Actor in World Politics1360 Words   |  6 PagesThe State is the Most Important Actor in World Politics Introduction In the modern tumultuous world of politics, nation states were and still are very crucial players. Whether they are the most important actors or not is the pivotal point of this essay. The point has been discussed with reference to two paradigms of international relations theories namely realism and liberalism. There are several strands of these two theories but arguments have beenRead MoreTransnational Corporations And Human Rights Violations Essay1261 Words   |  6 Pagesthe following questions: What is the legal status of transnational corporations? How can current legal apparatuses be used to hold transnational corporations accountable for human rights violations? This essay will also consider the case of human right violations by Nike Corporation in order to show that external pressures can produce development and accountability. 2. Transnational Corporations Current legal mechanisms of accountability fail to account for the fluid nature and power of influenceRead MoreThe Crisis Of Our Crises1592 Words   |  7 Pageseffect. As more actors began to involve themselves in an international integration, the ability to cooperate was declining. In their article, The Crisis of our Crises, Jeremy Adelman and Anne-Laure Delatte focus on this inverse effect, and the response (or, lack thereof) of policymakers to deal with the crises that emerge from it. The argument that Adelman and Delatte presents in their article in favor of an integrative approach to international crises is certainly plausible due to the fact that globalizationRead MoreFascism : An Authoritarian System That Promotes Radical And Militant Nationalism1228 Words   |  5 Pagesviolence. The leader, a dictator, often pushes some sort of obscure ideology onto his people. One of the major examples of fascism in the history of international politics is the Nazi Party in Germany durin g the world war two period. This has played a major role in the development of today’s international politics system. After World War 2, the international system focused on economic growth, keeping the peace and helping rebuild. Nationalism: Nationalism is the pride, loyalty and devotion in one’sRead MoreHistory of British Foreign Policy1135 Words   |  5 Pageshistorian Jeremy Black, facet of British Foreign policy which made Britain a global power and through for example American Independence laid the foundations for the current state of international relations. In brief my research paper argues two main points, the history of the balance of power theory predates modern Europe and its current state, and how British foreign policy was influenced not only by British desire for balance of power in Europe, but by geographic, historical, parliamentary, politicalRead MoreRealism Is The Most Convincing Paradigm For International Relations? Essay1579 Words   |  7 PagesMOST CONVINCING PARADIGM FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS? WHAT ARE THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF REALISM AS A THEORY FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS? Realism has dominated international relations theory since emerging in the 1930’s. The era of state conflict lasting from the 1930’s to the end of the cold war in 1947, proved the perfect hostile environment to fit the largely pessimistic view of world politics. While many aspects of realism are still alive in International Relations today; including theRead More The Concept of Power in International Politics Essay829 Words   |  4 Pagescentral to the study of international politics. International politics has been defined in terms of influencing major nations in the world to advance the purpose of a nation against the opposition of other nations. Thus, it is rather not surprising that power, either by means of influence or control, has been a dominant concept that is intertwined in discussion when it comes to the study of international politics. Before getting into the fundamental nature of power in international relations, it is neededRead MoreChanging World Politi cs During World War II Essay916 Words   |  4 PagesChanging World Politics In a political system superintended and galvanized by anarchy and inherited norms, transformations and variations are inevitable. The origin of such system began with the â€Å"Peace of Westphalia,† marking the termination of the 30 years war, and was the prominent beginning of the modern international system of where in which Nation States are of the highest institution. This was the end of the ‘Holy Roman Empire’ (of that wasn’t holy nor Roman) and the incalculable scores ofRead MoreThe Validity of Samuel P. Huntington’s Thesis in â€Å"The Clash of Civilizations†1411 Words   |  6 Pagesposition of the nation-state has not been of any significance. Far more than the political objectives of territorial take-overs, it is the religious element of culture that has become the main cause of conflict. It should be acknowledged that Huntington’s â€Å"Clash of Civilizations† is a relatively simple theory which focuses on illumina ting the ins and outs of international politics. Samuel P. Huntington’s article played a prominent role in establishing today’s international relations field by definingRead MoreThe Evolution of the Realism Paradigm1693 Words   |  7 Pagesbelief that international relations are very conflictual and only resolvable by war; attention is paid on national security and state power; and basic scepticism in the development of international relations (Jackson and Sorensen, 2010). In general, realism is one of the most pessimistic theory in international relations, however, it has its supporters and critique. Realism as a theory is first about security problems and international anarchy, lack of a higher power over nation states to maintain

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Americas Involvement and the Intentions of Wilson’s...

Most of the World’s major Nations were in a state of turmoil from the year 1914-1918, during the conflict of World War I. This War to End all Wars began with the German’s pushing other European Nation’s buttons, including the progression of militarism, imperialism, nationalism, and the creation of alliances among all of the Nations. After the course of three years of grueling trench warfare the tide of the Germans was receding, and President Woodrow Wilson of the United States presented his famous Fourteen Points, in hope that he would direct all Nations to aspire for the establishment of world peace. Wilson’s first proposal for the treaty among the Nations stated that no secret treaties should be made among Nations. This point is†¦show more content†¦Fourth, the amount of arms in a Nation’s possession must be limited â€Å"to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety† during diplomatic crisis. This point was directly related to America, because during the development of the European â€Å"powder keg†, America was extremely out-armed. Wilson believed that if each Nation had substantial arms to defend during crisis, peace negotiations would be made much easier. Point five states that Colonial claims obtained during the war should be centered upon the interests of colonial people and of the imperialistic powers. This point refers mainly to the land acquired by Germany, since they did obtain land, but were defeated, and in serious trouble. America didn’t really have a say in this affair, because they were to gain no land, and lost none either. However Wilson felt that it was his responsibility to keep the other Nations from completely ruining Germany’s economy, by being the mediator and taking reasonable amounts away from Germany. The points 6-13 dealt with boundary changes that were to take place under the Treaty of Versailles. The countries that would be affected by these changes include: Russia, Belgium, Montenegro, the Polish, Romania, Serbia, and the Turkish people. Wilson’s final point promoted the League of Nations. The creation of an International organization would allowShow MoreRelatedEssay on Woodrow Wilson and American Diplomacy2945 Words   |  12 Pagesdestiny, and to remain free of entanglements overseas. Although he could not convince his fellow politicians on Capitol Hill of the probable success of his ideas, he did persuade the fellow writers of the Treaty of Versailles to use his Fourteen Points. America’s role as a political global superpower was established during his Presidency, as well as the modern policy that peace depends on the spread of democracy, and that national interest consists of adhering to a global system of law. The formationRead MoreUnited States Foreign Affairs Between 1914 and 19451289 Words   |  6 Pageswithin the Unites States had changed from non-intervention to direct involvement. A minor border conflict with Mexico over raids by Francisco â€Å"Pancho† Villa in 1916 led to a heightened sense of conflict with Mexico, but it also revealed Germany’s true intent for conflict with the United States. IN January of 1917, British intelligence intercepted a telegram from German foreign minister, Arthur Zimmerman that revealed the intention of Germany to help Mexico regain the territory lost to the United StatesRead MoreEruopean Expansion4283 Words   |  18 Pagesnecessary? Why or why not? What might either side have done to avoid war? Explain why it is sometimes argued that the Mexican War was a major cause of the Civil War. Why was there a reassertion of Manifest Destiny in the 1850s? What were the goals of America’s diplomacy at the time? Explain the widespread popularity of the concept of popular sovereignty as a way to resolve the issue of slavery in the territories. Then explain why it ultimately failed.*** Explain the relationship between the Ostend ManifestoRead More The Soviet Union, Communism, and the Vietnam War Essay3150 Words   |  13 PagesEven with the sobering effect of time, passions concerning American policy and behavior in Southeast Asia reach a level normally associated with sensitive social issues. To understand why, one must look at Vietnam in the proper context. American involvement occurred in the middle of, and was the most visible engagement, of the defining paradign of the post World War II era, the Cold War. Only through this prism can the Vietnam experience be defined.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the seven global powers entering WorldRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesappear to be a very coherent unit. The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new eraRead MoreModern History.Hsc.2012 Essay25799 Words   |  104 Pagesessay on conservatism in the period 1919-1941. Conservatism became much less influential in the 1930s than it had been in the 1920s. Since many of the causes of the Depression were linked to conservative policies / philosophies, many conservative points of view lost credibility and became unpopular, such as: * either pro-big-business or laissez faire (republican) economic policies, which had led to unsustainable and unbalanced rapid growth, * tax cuts for rich which had led to maldistribution

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Ambition as a Theme in Macbeth Free Essays

In todays society, different themes such as ambition, good vs. evil, and believing in superstitions are still prevalent. Similar to Macbeth, many people will go great lengths in order to achieve their goals in life. We will write a custom essay sample on Ambition as a Theme in Macbeth or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some are consumed with ambition to the point where it doesn’t matter what the consequences are for their actions as long as they are satisfied. An example of this is seen when our economy fell into a deep recession as a result of ambitious business people. Good vs. evil is oftentimes viewed in todays society through our Justice system. It is this constant battle between the police and criminals that keep our society at balance. Superstitions play a big part in some cultures and are still prevalent in todays society. Just like Macbeth, people follow these superstitions that are put into their mind. They believe that there will be a bad outcome so, they follow these superstitions to keep out of danger or bad fortune. When the three witches informed Macbeth about his prophesy he was in shock but felt anxious for it to happen sooner than later. The ambition that made him want to fulfill that prophesy took a lot of wrong doing but he went ahead and did it anyways. The fact that his wife’s ambition for Macbeth was even stronger than his own and encourages him even more to make that prophesy come true. In todays society there are many ambitious people out there because without ambition people wouldn’t get very far and would Just give up. For high school teenagers their ambition may be wanting to attend a college of their choice and will work hard in order to omplete their goal. Along with ambition, violence is also s recurring theme in Macbeth because there was a murder in basically every act. Throughout the play there is a lot of killing, fighting and blood, which are all results of violence. No matter how much we wish violence wasn’t around in todays society it is still present because of the disagreement between two parties. War is a big factor of violence because two countries or whoever cant come to an agreement so they result in violence. How to cite Ambition as a Theme in Macbeth, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Moral recovery free essay sample

The moral recovery program is a program that encourages members of the public to live in a moral and correct way. The program does have religious connections, but is more about rebuilding a people nation and retaining a sense of community spirit. The moral recovery program takes place in the Philippines. Residents in the region are encouraged to get involved with the program. Those behind the program believe that if it is successful, it could cause reduced crime levels and an overwhelming sense of social union that would be beneficial to everyone. The moral recovery program is widely encouraged by the Filipino government, and also has connections to local police forces in the Philippines. The philosophy of the moral recovery program The moral recovery program aims to encourage individuals to develop good moral characters. It promotes the importance of honesty, integrity and kindness. The program highlights how helping others in the community and beyond is important. We will write a custom essay sample on Moral recovery or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One idea the program often uses is the butterfly effect. This is the idea that a small deed by one person to another could make this person do an even greater good deed, and so on, leading to enormous good deeds in the end. The moral recovery program also involves elements such as loving those around you, having a sense of justice and persevering through tasks. Although the program also includes subjects such as loving and worshipping God, these religious elements are not fundamental and do not define the program. The benefits of the program If the program is successful in creating individuals with a good moral sense, this could be highly beneficial to society. People are less likely to commit crimes, more likely to help those in need and increasingly inclined to do good in their community. In a sense, the program prevents community problems, rather than dealing with them as they occur. The well known phrase prevention is the best cure springs to mind here, and it is indeed one idea behind the moral recovery program.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Transcription of interviews as a major challenge in the research process

Introduction Ross (2010) defines transcription as the conversion of speech into text. This process is common while analyzing qualitative data and therefore, the nature and the intensity of the process can pose a challenge on data analysis and consequently the research findings.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Transcription of interviews as a major challenge in the research process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This write up will highlight data transcription as a qualitative data analysis challenge through critically analyzing three articles that have dwelt on this subject and, propose possible research approaches that can be used to conduct similar studies. Ross argument on transcription of interviews Ross (2010) in his article titled â€Å"Was that Infinity or Affinity? Applying Insights from Transcription Studies to Qualitative Research Transcription† outlines that over the years many researchers have overlooked the transcription of interviews as a major challenge in the research process. Ross (2010) argues that the findings of a qualitative research that employs interviews as a mode of data collection, is subject to criticism because of the direct influence of the researcher. This is because the researcher plays a critical role while capturing the themes and as a result, misinterpretation of the interviewee insights might occur thus, compromising on the internal validity of the research. To illustrate the problem, Ross (2010) has highlighted the importance of the transcription process in data analysis by providing a comprehensive background on research transcription and translation techniques. He has also mentioned authors who have failed to identify transcription as a major qualitative research challenge. Further, Ross (2010) has used several theories of transcription such as equivalence, Foreignisation and domestication. In addition, Ross (2010) has analysed several interview s with particular emphasis on the different aspects of a conversation in order to emulate the importance of transcription. The use of various examples of verbatim transcriptions and a narration on the practicality of an effective transcription process makes Ross work convincing.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Research work highlighting transcription of interviews Rapley’s argument on considerations on analysing interviews With reference to the topic understudy, Rapley John conducted a research that was aimed at highlighting major issues with regards to analysis of interviews. His research work tiled â€Å"The art (fullness) of open-ended interviewing: some considerations on analysing interviews, Rapley (2001) used extracts from interviews to indicate that the end product of the interview process is dependant on the constructive relations between the interviewee and the interv iewer and their understanding of the topic. Further, Rapley (2001) has emphasised on the role of transcription and its significance in ensuring that the findings of the analysis are consistent with the context and circumstances under which a particular interview was generated. Rapley (2001) findings indicate that conversation analysis is an important aspect of the transcription process and as such, for a researcher to arrive at an appropriate transcription process it is important to familiarize themselves with the process through which the interview was conducted and the circumstances surrounding the product of the interview. Further, Rapley’s (2001) findings acknowledge that, to adequately transcribe interviews, the interview process should be viewed as an interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee. He further emphasizes that there is a dire need to understand the goals or the objectives of the interviewer. The strength of this research is based on Rapleyâ€℠¢s tendency to use real interviews in order to explain his point with reference to transcription thus, improving on the validly of the research. The use of other research findings in comparison with his work is a clear indication of a thoroughly researched work and thus a positive pointer to his research. The major limiting factors in this research are the use of secondary data and the lack of an explanation as to the criteria used to sample the data.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Transcription of interviews as a major challenge in the research process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mclellan, Macqueen and Neidig argument on data preparation and transcription On another similar research conducted by Mclellan, Macqueen and Neidig in 2003 and titled â€Å"Beyond the qualitative interview: data preparation and transcription†, the researchers strive to highlight the importance of data management. In their findings, the researchers acknowledge that while analysing interviews, it is important for a researcher to identify whether the transcription analysis best presents their arguments as compared to field notes acquired by the interviewer. They therefore recommend that the nature and intensity of the transcription process employed should be consistent with the nature and intensity of the analysis required (Mclellan, Macqueen Neidig 2003). The strengths of this research lie in the ability of the researchers to cover the step by step process of data transcription protocol and providing the rational and supporting arguments from other research findings on the importance and actualization of the various stages. Some of the limitations of this research include the researcher’s tendency to relay on other research findings to explain their arguments rather than employing the use of primary data. Applications of Rapley’s and Mclellan, Macqueen and Neidig findings Both studies ha ve furthered our understanding of transcription as a major challenge in qualitative data analysis. Rapley study has helped us to understand that it is important to comprehend the context under which a particular interview was conducted in order to conduct a conclusive transcription. On the other hand, Mclellan, Macqueen and Neidig research has helped us to understand the importance of accessing the level of analysis required in order to ensure consistency between the transcription processes and the intended level of analysis.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References Mclellan, E, Macqueen, M Neidig L 2003, ‘Beyond the qualitative interview: data preparation and transcription’, Sage publications, vol. 15, no.1, pp. 63-84. Rapley, J 2001, ‘Was that Infinity or Affinity? Applying Insights from Transcription Studies to Qualitative Research Transcription’, Sage Publications, vol. 1, no.3, pp. 303-323. Ross, J 2010, ‘Was that Infinity or Affinity? Applying Insights from Transcription Studies to Qualitative Research Transcription’, Journal of Qualitative Social Research, vol.11, no.2, art. 2. This essay on Transcription of interviews as a major challenge in the research process was written and submitted by user Abr1l to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Statement of purpose Essay Example

Statement of purpose Essay Example Statement of purpose Essay Statement of purpose Essay End : To achieve my career goals, I need to learn much more about current developments and techniques in finance, financial markets and financial applications, and acquire hands-on experience of financial analysis. 3rd last: I hope I can apply my knowledge to gain practical corporate experience in areas such as capital management, mergers and acquisitions, risk management, quantitative market nalysis, pricing and sales strategies for stability and maximum returns on capital. th: By learning to understand finance, I believe I will be learning to understand the very fabric that keeps the world of finance and risk knitted together. This is a subject I have always had a strong desire to study and this could be the perfect opportunity to fine-tune my skills before stepping out into the real financial world. Statement of purpose By brisingr21 Statement of Purpose Essay Example Statement of Purpose Essay Statement of Purpose Essay Statement of Purpose My name is Carlos Nieva. I received the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Telecommunications in the fall of 1998 from ITESM (Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey), Mexico. I received the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in the fall of 2002 from NMSU (New Mexico State University). My advisor and co-advisor during my Master’s degree studies were Dr. Jaime Ramirez-Angulo and Dr. Paul Furth, respectively. The topic of my Master’s degree thesis is â€Å"Low-voltage, class AB and high slew rate two-stage operational amplifiers†. The curricular focus of my bachelor degree is in electronics and communications. During my undergraduate studies I took several courses covering topics in electronic design, analog and digital communications and microwave devices such as transmission lines and antennas. The curricular focus of my Master’s degree was strongly based in analog circuit design using CMOS technology. My circuit designs were implemented with a point fivemicrometer CMOS technology. My thesis proposes a new op-amp architecture that operates at very low voltages and offer higher speed performance compared to classical op-amp architectures. The thesis project includes the circuit design, spice simulations, the chip layout design and the chip testing at the laboratory. The chip layout design was sent to the MOSIS service for fabrication. During my Master’s degree I took courses in CMOS analog, digital, RF and mixed signal design. Other complementary courses taken for the completion of the degree were in the areas of microwave engineering, DSP and communication systems. The areas of research that I am interested in are classified into one of the following categories. One area of interest is the circuit implementation of data wireless communication systems and DSP systems. The second area of interest is the development of circuits for RF and high-speed mixed signal applications. Some examples for this area of interest are RF front ends, mixers, PLL, frequency synthesizers, VCO, filters and data converters. A third area of interest is the development of circuits for microwave applications such as radar, remote sensing and satellite broadcasting. The research experience I obtained during my Master’s degree studies helped me develop the skills I consider very useful to perform research. I was able to clearly understand the basic concepts behind the circuit designs, summarize information from related bibliography and compare existing designs to the design proposed in my thesis. After finishing the research for my Master’s degree, I feel that I have the necessary tools to start a research project that will lead to an original contribution in the area of Electrical Engineering. I know that to channel my research efforts I need to find the correct PhD program with the most successful and experienced faculty to guide me through this journey. During my Master’s degree studies at NMSU, I was a teaching assistant throughout all my studies. The courses that I taught were Basic Electrical Networks laboratory, Introduction to VLSI laboratory and Digital VLSI design laboratory. In those two years of teaching courses for undergraduate students I realized that it gave me a lot of satisfaction seeing my students learn from my lectures. I tried to focus my lectures on concepts that I, from my personal experience as an undergraduate student, consider hard for the student to understand. So after giving my lecture, I felt satisfied knowing that my tudents had understood such concepts faster and through a lesser effort than is normally required. After completing my Master’s degree studies I am convinced that teaching and research is what I enjoy the most and that it is the activity I would like to dedicate the rest of my life. Now I am looking for a PhD degree program that will help me to further develop my experience in research and teaching. After completing my PhD degree in Electrical Engineering my plans are to obtain a Professor’s position at a recognized University, to build a research program with close ties to industry, and to teach classes related to my research field. Fortunately I have two years of experience working for industry and I think I may employ that experience to offer my students an insight of what is happening outside Academia. Furthermore, my relationship with industry will continue to develop through my PhD studies because I was awarded with a GEM fellowship (National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc), which is an organization that in combination with an industry sponsor will support my graduate studies and will offer me summer internships with the sponsor. In my case the industry sponsor is Intel Corporation. With this opportunity in hand, I will be able to increase my industrial experience and at the same time establish important industry relations that will help me later, as a College Professor, to find funds for my research.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Gp ip4 training and development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gp ip4 training and development - Research Paper Example The internet is an appropriate and powerful technology for facilitating the services offered by the sales team in the organization. The internet allows the storage of data and information locally while enabling accessibility from different locations within the organization. Technology is changing the world quite fast, and its wide acceptance will enable easy connectivity with the outside world. It also inspires the revolution of old companies towards technological change and acceptance (Wilson & Wilson, 2012). The issue of equity among the individuals being trained is assured via the use of response forms that entail questionnaires and surveys that participants will fill each day after classroom activity. As the training manager, the implementation of a free and fair learning environment would be encouraged to facilitate easy learning and addressing of individual concerns among the sales team. Guaranteeing that no individual is lagging behind in training would be solved by involving experienced sale representatives in the exercise procedure. In the case any of the participating trainees have a form of disability, for example, a disability that prevents them from sitting for more than 30 minutes at a time, the management team will provide specialized tasks for these individuals. There are specified tasks listed for individuals with disability, for example, ushering in clients at the organizations entrance or sales or customer care stands that offer periodical sitting and standing options (Mukherjee, 2012). The possible issues with training a group of employees in their 20s and 30s is the possibility of disagreement and conflict between the age groups. This might be brought about by the need for displaying competition between the age groups. The organization is on board with the training procedure and it also adheres to the set regulations for performing a human resource exercise for the organization. In

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Students eye careers in creating mobile applications Research Paper

Students eye careers in creating mobile applications - Research Paper Example After analyzing the external environment, the business proposal focuses on the internal issues. The internal assessment requires different requirements such as business name and the products that shall be provided to the potential customers. In the similar fashion, the next part elaborates rationale and reasons that were used to select a particular business. Having entertained these objectives, the business proposal elaborates mission, vision, goals and objectives. Being strategic in nature, it was highly important to consider these factors before moving ahead. The PESTLE analysis The PESTLE analysis takes into account and evaluates external business environment. The political aspect of the analysis considers political dimensions of the external business environment. In the business proposal, the UAE’s political environment remains investment friendly and supports investment activities in the country. The economic analysis considers external economic factors which directly or indirectly affect businesses and their operations. It takes into account GDP rate, trade balance and so on. The social analysis considers social issues. It uses education, health, population and other indicators and evaluates them in the light of objectives. In the business proposal, the UAE education graph has been constantly increasing, showing the resolve of the UAE government toward the education cause. The technological analysis puts light on technology related issues. The UAE is experiencing a substantial growth in the IT and telecommunication industry. In this regard, the role and contribution of DSO has been remarkable towards the technological development of the UAE. The legal analysis takes into account the legal aspects that are prevalent in the external environment. The UAE has most efficient and competent judicial system. The environmental analysis describes environment-related issues. It takes into account pollution, CO2 emissions, green house gases and other issues af fecting local or international environment. The UAE government has introduced EIA program. The main objective is to assess environment and factors affecting the environment. For that purpose, the UAE government has put in place strong measures. Business name, products and services This segment includes business name, products and services that the company shall provide to potential users. U-Phone Mobile Company Limited has been proposed name for the company. The company shall be registered with this name and having patent rights attached with the name. The proposed business shall offer numerous mobile applications development that include iPhone, Android, BlackBerry OS shall be used to develop different mobile applications. Reasons for selecting the business The purpose of this section is to highlight the reasons behind the selection of the proposed business and the proposed industry. It takes into account different angles and measures which are relevant to the proposed business and the proposed industry. This segment has a considerable significance in comparison with the other segments of the business proposal. First, it highlights the specific industry and its current business, marketing, demand and supply aspects of the business. It not only focuses on the mobile users, but also indicates the changing trends and patterns from the traditional use of the mobile services to the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Learning and study skills Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Learning and study skills - Research Proposal Example This test also revealed that as a teacher I tend to be care more about supervising my class (13% Leadership) and creating an atmosphere for fun and mentoring (11.4% and 11.6% Leadership respectively). As I thought about myself as a teacher I felt that this was accurate. I enjoy working with my students in ways that they need assistance but I also want to make sure that I have a disciplined classroom. In this way all children have a chance to learn. Interpersonal communication showed that I was more data oriented which did not surprise me because I am in the area of IT which is dependant on data. I am auditory in modality, prefer being the thoughtful observer and prefer hands on learning; this is probably the biggest reason I chose IT. One of the items I found interesting was that my philosophical methodology was both traditionalist and progressivist. I am not sure how these two work together but I thought it was an interesting point. I guess this is mostly because I believe that ever yone should do some type of work and that they should have some type of education to do it. I also feel that they must have moral as well as practical education and that science and math are essential to anyones education. I believe that all children should acquire skill in science and math for many reasons. Perhaps the progressivist in me is the part that likes to experiment in new methods of learning. It is not surprise then that my study skills should support my learning style.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Issues Affecting Teaching and Learning

Issues Affecting Teaching and Learning The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate an understanding of pupil learning in relation to learning theories and establish links between effective pupil learning and teaching strategies. In this essay, I will address the key issues that impact on effective teaching and learning strategies for learners of business studies in secondary school. In doing this, I will refer to my own experience and observations in the classroom and to lessons given as well as to objectives and evaluations. I will also refer to learning and pedagogical theories, curriculum, standards and policy documents that inform practice. I will use examples from two specific lessons, on profit and loss and personal budgeting and, from these examples, establish links between theory and practice. It is first of all useful to begin with an understanding of the curriculum expectations of the teaching of business studies and the changes that have occurred over the past thirty years and also in light of recent reforms that aim to â€Å"raise the education and skills levels of students by delivering a curriculum which gives life and social skills,† and prepares students â€Å"for a fast-changing worl d† (Department for Children, School and Family, 2008). Curricular knowledge, as well as subject and pedagogical knowledge are the â€Å"three important aspects† (Hammon, 2005, p. 26) a teacher needs to understand and master. The aim of recent reforms in the education of young people is to make â€Å"education more relevant to todays world.† As such, business studies and the core skills of ICT have become a priority in preparing young people for higher study and employment. This strong shift towards education as preparing students for employment, further study, and becoming citizens in a globalised world, demands that secondary education be used to foster the development of students in terms of their practical and vocational potential. This shift raises, yet again, all the great pedagogical questions (Jephcote and Abbott, 2005) which teachers may not be able to answer, but will nonetheless help in understanding the purpose of teaching business studies in the way informed by government policy and to guide teachers – both experienced and novice – in understanding why and how to best teach their subject. These pedagogical questions concern whether business, career and work-related education in schools should meet the demands and needs of the individual learners or of â€Å"society and economics† in general. These questions also consider whether schools should be concerned with changing society or â€Å"preserving the social order,† whether career and work-related education should be a vehicle for preparing good and morally responsible social individuals, and whether education should prepare learners for their life after school or simply teach students how to successful learners (Jephcote an d Abbott, 2005, p. 6). These questions seem to raise conflicting ideas and goals, but they are mutually supportive: learners who enjoy the learning experience for its own sake will also be able to better employ the concepts, facts and skills learnt beyond their schooling. In any case, the very basis of career and work-related education is founded on instrumental value, regardless of whether or not students students find any intrinsic value in it, any value in learning for the sake of learning, that is. In terms of instrumental value, employers have expectations that career and business education will provide them with a capable and skilled workforce. Students need to gain knowledge and skills that will make them somehow useful in society. Hence the strong shift in policy focus: in 2005, employers were less than satisfied with the level of business awareness that school leavers and graduates had brought to the workforce (Kelly, 2005, p. 21). But apart from employers, both parents and students themselves also hope to gain some instrumental value from their study of career and work-related subjects: they want to become successful at finding jobs. As far as the schools part in all of this, and by extension the teachers, there is a â€Å"legal responsibility† to provide opportunities for â€Å"careers education, work-related learning and enterprise and financial capability† at key stages 3 and 4 (Department for Education and Employment and Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, 1999). By thus understanding the focus of government policy and curriculum expectations teachers then need to find their own ways of improving student outcomes, all the while working within their preferred ideological or pedagogical frameworks and holding their personal beliefs about education and their role as teachers, while taking into account the preferences of students. In light of all this policy change and reform, teachers effectively become â€Å"agents of† decisions made by others, instead of controlling decisions that will impact on their classrooms (Cohen, 2005, p. p. 16). Teachers, instead of feeling threatened by this, find comfort and confidence in knowing exactly what is expected of them and their students. Policy, frameworks and standards provide an excellent scaffolding for teachers to develop their own teaching objectives within the strict framework. After all, when it comes to teaching, â€Å"the way you do it is just as important as what you do† (Kyriacou, 2001, p. 31). It is an acknowledged pedagogical trait that effective teaching of a given subject is influenced by a teachers confidence in the chosen teaching method and resources used as well as a clear understanding of the principles behind lesson objectives, just as much as it is the teachers subject knowledge and expertise. Similarly, effective learning is influenced by student confidence in the teacher and knowledge taught, as well as the freedom to learn via different learning strategies and the ability to control their learning process. A confident teacher will have a clear understanding of pedagogical frameworks and curriculum expectations and also be sensitive to student needs and preferential learning styles (Kyriacou, 2001). When it comes to teaching and learning business awareness, learners will often have to master quite new concepts, such as profit, cost, revenue and budget. As such, teachers might intuitively respond to this need by understanding their role as one in which they must â€Å"impart† or â€Å"transmit† the knowledge that they have about the subject to the students who do not yet have this knowledge. In fact, this understanding of teaching is in line with Wood (1997) who offers four ways of teaching in a type of hierarchy. The first, that of teaching as imparting knowledge, fits into an objectivist (Fox, 1983) understanding of knowledge as something that exists independently of the knower. The process of acquiring knowledge then, is simply one which involves learning something that already exists. According to Wood, as a teacher becomes more experienced, so too will their chosen mode of teaching become more complex. From the understanding of teaching as imparting knowledge, the teacher develops that understanding to teaching as preparing students to use knowledge, teaching as providing opportunities for students to explore different perspectives, and finally, teaching as preparing students to be reflective (Davies and Brant, 2006, p. 182). In the case of teaching profit and loss, a teacher, especially a novice teacher, might well see that these concepts already exist in the world business and the best way to deliver this knowledge to students is when they act as expects who impart this knowledge. This understanding of teaching was observed in a lesson on profit and loss (Appendix I). The lesson objectives were stated as thus: Students should be able to define profit and loss; Students should be able to explain the relationship between turnover, cost of sales, gross profit and net profit; Students should be able to calculate net profit and gross profit and make assumptions about the profitability of a business (Salbstein, 2001). The lesson aimed to impart information, facts and definitions about key concepts in profit and loss, via a traditional method of introducing the language and definitions on the classroom board for students to record in their books. Methods of calculation were also introduced. The teachers role i n this lesson was a central role as the main expert facilitator of the knowledge of profit and loss. Once the concepts had been given and discussed, students were directed to study in pairs on the computers by accessing an online lesson of profit and loss, which included an online quiz (Salbstein, 2001) to test student understanding of the concepts taught. This method is a type of information-processing method, whereby learners are presented with information and then asked to manipulate it, in this instance by quiz work, but also by re-wording learnt definitions and discussing concepts. According to Davies and Brant (2006, p. 121) this theory of learning is based on the idea that when learners learn new information is â€Å"processed and stored in the mind.† While this is suggested as an effective method for applied learning, this method is limiting because it treats all learners in the same way, disregarding individual preferences and learning styles. Another method, which is classic but limiting, is the method based on an understanding of learning as a behaviour that changes in response to environmental factors, such as positive reinforcement. This is Skinners behaviourist model. Learning based on this method suggests that each stage of learning be broken down into parts or steps and rewards given following successful completi on of each step. Davies and Brant (2006) suggest that this method is useful in teaching vocational and ICT-related tasks and skilled, but is limited because it does not provide a holistic view of learning and knowledge acquisition. The lesson outlined above, while presented in a comparatively limiting way, was not unsuccessful. This is because of the appeal of the ICT element in teaching, when students worked through the online tutorial. In evaluating the success of the lesson it was noted that students remained on task longer and were motivated to learn about the subject. ICT is an important and necessary element in career and work-related education when used to â€Å"complement teaching† (Jephcote and Abbott, 2005). ICT is more than merely a teaching tool and has the potential â€Å"empower† students by â€Å"liberat[ing] users from routine tasks† and also by making â€Å"accessible vast amounts of information† (Leask and Pachler, 1999, p. 4). In fact, current education policy in the UK stresses the importance of ICT in the classroom, simply because the increased use of technology â€Å"in all aspects of society makes confident, creative and productive use of ICT an essential skil l for lifeICT capability is fundamental to participation and engagement in modern society† (Department for Education and Employment and Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, 1999a, p. 1). As seen in the above lesson on profit and loss, students were able to locate further information in order to extend and consolidate their newly acquired knowledge of the subject being taught and were able to gain rapid and direct access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people. In this case, the online tutorial was devised and designed by a teacher from another school. The results of this rather simply designed and planned lesson on profit and loss were positive and showed agreement with findings by Tomlinson (1981) who found that ICT increases motivation in students and increases their commitment to learning their subject. In fact, Tomlinson found that ICT enhanced the confidence and self-esteem of learners, as well as stimulating student determination to learn the subject, the amount of time spent on task, and the level of control over their own learning experience. All of these factors were seen in this lesson on profit and loss. But ICT is not just a beneficial tool for students, it is also a tool that the Qualified Teacher Standards expect teachers will use (Training and Development Agency for Schools, 2007) because it also â€Å"raises the profile† of teachers, makes teachers refresh their perspective on what they are teaching, and offers the potential for a variety of individual and group activities (Leask and Pachler, 1999, p. 5). Teachers should try to vary their teaching style as often as possible and exhibit â€Å"a knowledge and understanding of a range of teaching, learning and behaviour management strategies and know how to use and adapt them† (Training and Development Agency for Schools, 2007, p. 8) Teachers should bring in new tools and new ways to present information, and giving students as many opportunities to learn facts and skills in a variety of ways (Davies and Brant, 2006, p. 142) and this is because within any given class a teacher will encounter students with various learn ing styles. For example, visual learners, who enjoy learning with pictures, graphs, artefacts and videos; auditory learners, who enjoy discussion and listening to tapes; and kinaesthetic learners, who enjoy simulations and role play. Ideally, a subject will be approached using all of these methods in the classroom. Moving away from the information processing models which are learning theories that tend to attract teacher-centred learning styles, there are the learning theories that are more student-centred, and these are called experiential learning theories. The theory underpinning this experiential model is one that stresses the relationship between experience and learning. Each individual student, it is theorised, has collected a range of experiences about a phenomenon and it is this range of experience that is called upon to introduce a new topic. Davies and Brant (1999) discuss Kolbs learning cycle and note that lessons informed by the experiential theory begin with student experience and examples instead of teacher-imparted principles and concepts. Kolbs learning cycle begins with the teacher calling on student experience as a way of introducing a new subject. Next students are encouraged to reflect on their experiences, to make generalisations from their experiences and, finally, to act on this new knowledge (Davies and Brant, 1999, p. 168). This theory of learning was implemented in a lesson on budgeting (Appendix II). This lesson aimed to introduce the concept of budgeting and the wide range of costs that might be involved in advertising and promoting a product (which the students had designed in a previous lesson). The learning activity was to plan a promotional event to advertise and promote their product to the public. Students were expected to investigate the costs involved, generate data and produce a projected budget for the event. The role of the teacher in this lesson was to motivate students to discuss their own experiences of budgeting before they began the learning activity. As such, the teacher led a discussion about students spending habits over a typical week. The leading questions were: a) What do you spend your money on in a typical week? b) Do you spend more money during some parts of the week than others? Are there more expensive periods of the week? c) Do you keep track of your spending habits? Or do you just spend until your money runs out? d) Do you feel that you miss out on things youd like to spend money on because you have run out of money? (Appendix II; Mark Your Challenge 2008). It was after this discussion that the actual lesson activity was introduced. Students were asked to investigate where money might be spent in organising a promotional event. The teacher introduced the idea that an effective budget means that one must have good and clear knowledge of where the money might be spent. Students were directed to use the Internet, newspapers and magazines in order to gain background information about what such organising such an event might demand and were asked to present their prospective budgetary conclusions in a format they chose. The lesson ended with group discussion following presentation of student-group findings. This lesson was particularly successful, as students responded confidently. The underlying theory behind this method is strikingly different to the information-imparting and information-processing theory that informed the lesson on profit and loss. Here, knowledge was not understood to be something that the teacher had and that the students did not have, but rather, that the students themselves already knew something about the subject and could further their knowledge with teacher-led guidance. This understanding of knowledge is social constructivist one. Some factors involved in understanding this approach is that learners are essentially being introduced to new ways of â€Å"interpreting the world that has been constructed by academic disciplines or communities of practice.† For these new ways to become meaningful, the students needs to actively construct or reconstruct the knowledge in their own way, and this usually occurs by linking new knowledge to the real world, and to some real context, so as to bridge the gap between what is considered â€Å"school knowledge† and â€Å"everyday knowledge† (Davies and Brant, 2006, p. p. 170). Moreover, students need to do this via dynamic and meaningful social interaction. In fact, it is not enough to simply provide access to the environment about which they are learning, that is, through work placement or even business-related simulations and role-plays, but through authentic interaction with teachers and othe r students, as well as with experts in the subject they are studying. It was Piaget (1968) who stressed the importance of social interaction, because when students participate in discussion with others – peers or experts – Piaget found that they become stimulated to express content in their own language. By re-evaluating content on their own terms and with their own language, they are able to further develop their understanding of the subject taught. It is this social interaction, that enables them to process information learnt and make sense of the subject in an dynamic way, using their own language to articulate and reformulate what they have learnt. In this way, they are not just mimicking concepts, definitions and strategies learnt in the classroom but integrating what they have learnt about knowledge already constructed by a particular community – in this case the business community – and the success of this occurs when learners have experienced posi tive interactions. This understanding of the learning process also links to into what is called the â€Å"zone of proximal development† (Vygotsky, 1978). This idea refers to the understanding that what we already know gives us â€Å"access† to things we do not yet know, so long as there is some help from a guiding expert. In the case of the lesson on budgeting, students already had some knowledge of money spent and the practical use of budgeting to make sure that money does not run out. From this personal knowledge, a teacher can guide learners towards more complex knowledge about a business situation. In evaluating the success of the lesson on budgeting, this social constructivist approach proved to be very useful. In conclusion then, and in light of the importance placed on teachers having â€Å"high expectations† of their students (Training and Development Agency for Schools, 2007, p. 7), when designing lessons informed by various pedagogical theories and curriculum expectations, teachers can foster successful learning outcomes when they integrate their own knowledge of pedagogy, curriculum and subject and their own beliefs and expectations about the teaching and learning experience to produce successful educational experiences. The teachers high expectations of students were met with both lessons discussed above: the lesson on profit and loss with key concepts being delivered and then students encouraged to approach the subject using ICT activities, but also the lesson on budgeting which encouraged students to use their own personal experiences as a way into the lesson. Both lessons met the high expectations the teacher had of the learners and both teachers and students participated i n a fully educational experience which fostered an environment of trust and a strong commitment to learning. Appendix I Lesson plan: Profit and Loss Learning intentions: To introduce the concept of profit and loss and the related concepts of revenue and costs. To introduce simple verbal definitions and a mathematical equation in order to calculate and use the ratios of gross and net profit to understand a companys profitability. Resources: Teachers guided worksheet, and Internet tutorial and quiz (Salbstein, 2001). 1/ Lesson content: INTRODUCTION Time: 5 mins. Teacher: Teaching role, teacher-led. Begin lesson with a story to introduce topic of class lesson an to engage student. The topic is the concept to be learnt – that of profit and loss – and why it is important for business. The story: A business person runs a company which produces mp3 players. These products are sold so that the company makes more money that what the company spends. When a company makes more money than what is spent, we call this profit. Ask the question: Why would profit be an important concept in business? Students give their answers. Teacher confirms: Profit is an important idea in business because it shows us whether a business is successful (Salbstein, 2001). 2/ Lesson content: DEFINITIONS Time: 10 mins Teacher: Teaching role, teacher-led. Introduce key definitions and mathematical equations: Profit, Gross Profit, Net Profit, Revenue, Cost, Ratios. 3/ Lesson content: MAIN PART OF LESSON Time 35 mins. Teacher: Teaching role, guide. Student: In pairs, computer activity, student-led. Students now go to computers to proceed in pairs to complete an online tutorial on Profit and Loss Accounts (Salbstein, 2001). Each student pair is asked to check, compare and rewrite the definitions given by the teacher earlier with definitions given in the tutorial. Students complete the challenge quiz – record answers and and any concepts or ideas to be clarified. 4/ Lesson content: CONCLUSION Time: 10 mins Teacher: Teaching role, teacher-led. Student: group discussion activity. Students are asked how they well the participated in the online quiz and which questions they found challenging or sought clarification about. Students were asked if they reworked the definitions of issued at the beginning of class and asked to consolidate their ideas about why profit is important in business. Appendix II Lesson plan: Understanding budgeting. [This lesson plan is devised from, with slight adaptations, from the Mark Your Challenge 2008 Money Matters Lesson Plan]. Learning intentions: To introduce the concept of budgeting and to understand the variety of costs involved in planning a promotional event to market a student-devised product. Learning activity: To plan a promotional event to market a student-devised product and investigate the overall costs involved. To produce a budget for the project. Resources: Internet, teachers notes, personal experience. 1/ Lesson content: INTRODUCTION Time: 10 mins. Teacher: Teaching role, teacher-led. Student discussion activity. Begin lesson with a discussion about students general spending within a given week. Leading questions: What do you spend your money on in a typical week? b) Do you spend more money during some parts of the week than others? Are there more expensive periods of the week? c) Do you keep track of your spending habits? Or do you just spend until your money runs out? d) Do you feel that you miss out on things youd like to spend money on because you have run out of money? Students respond with their own knowledge based on personal experience. 2/ Lesson content: MAIN PART OF LESSON Time: 40 mins Teacher: Teaching role, teacher-led. Student group work. Teacher introduces learning activity. Students meet in groups to discuss the planned event and potential costs that might be incurred. Students are encouraged to think about all the ways in which money might be spent and to organise expenses into main areas of expenditure. Students are asked to present their data in their own format. 3/ Lesson content: CONCLUSION Time 10 mins. Teacher: Teaching role, guide. Student: In pairs, computer activity, student-led. Students present and discuss their findings and compare to other group findings. Students are encouraged to question their results and data and to compare and contrast differences with other groups. Bibliography Capel, S., et al. 2001. Learning to Teach in the Secondary School: A Companion to the School Experience. 4th Edition. London: RoutledgeFarmer. Cohen, L., et al., 2005. A Guide to Teaching Practice. New York: Routledge. Davies, P., and Brant, J., 2006. Business, Economics and Enterprise. London: Routledge. Department for Children, School and Family. 2008. 14-19 Reform [online]. Available from: [Accessed: 2 January 2009]. Department for Education and Employment and Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, 1999a, Information and communication technology. London. [online] Available from: [Accessed: 2 January 2009]. Department for Education and Employment and Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, 1999b, Personal, social, health and economic education. London. [online] Available from: [Accessed: 2 January 2009]. Department for Education and Skills. 2006. An Integrated Approach to Teaching Key Skills in Business Studies and Information Technology – Case Studies. London: Learning and Skills Network. Dickinson, C., 2000. Effective Learning Activities. 2nd edition. Edinburgh:Network Educational Press Ltd. Fox, D., 1983. â€Å"Personal theories of teaching.† in Studies in Higher Education, 8(2), pp.151-163. Hammond, M., 2005. Next Steps in Teaching. New York: Routledge. Huddleston, P., and Oh, S.A., 2004. â€Å"The Magic Roundabout: Work-Related Learning within the 14-19 Curriculum.† in Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 83-103. [online] Available from: [Accessed: 2 January 2009]. Jephcote, M and Abbott, I., 2005. Teaching Business Education 14-19. London: David Fulton Publishers. Kelly, R., 2005. 14-19 Education and Skills White Paper. [online].[Accessed: 2 January 2009]. Kyriacou, K., 2001. Essential Teaching Skills. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. Leask, M., and Pachler, N., 1999. Learning to Teach Using ICT in the Secondary School. London: Routledge. Mark Your Challenge 2008. Money Matters Lesson Plan 2008. [online] Available from: [Accessed: 2 January 2008]. Piaget, J., 1968. Six Psychological Studies. London: London University Press. Salbstein, D., 2001. Profit and Loss Accounts. [online] Available from: [Accessed: 2 January 2009]. Tomlinson, P. D., 1981. Understanding Teaching: Interactive Educational Psychology. London: McGraw-Hill. Training and Development Agency for Schools, 2007, â€Å"Professional Standards for Teachers: Qualified Teacher Status,† [online] Available from:, [Accessed: 15 December 2008]. Vygotsky, L., 1978. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Wood, D., 1997. How Children Think and Learn. London: Blackwell.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Victims of Domestic Abuse :: Legal Issues, Politics, Social Issues

Currently, protective orders are only provided during regular court hours to victims of domestic abuse. However, the occurrence of violence has no time frame – it does not only take place or transpire on a nine to five time clock. Therefore, I propose that legislation should be pushed forward which allows District commissioners the authority to put temporary restraining orders on people accused of domestic violence. It is important to note that victims may not receive full protection until the existing false impressions, held by some judicial and public safety officials, about the proper issuance and enforcement of protective orders are rejected. It is often considered that a protective order, being a civil order, should not be handled or enforced by police. This type of power should not be distributed, uncontrollably, to police officers. Since a court issues a protective order, some mistakenly believe that the police should not be able to arrest a person who violates the protective order because the person is in contempt of court – not disobeying the law. The proposed legislation would destroy these misconceptions by changing the state constitution to allow District commissioners to not only grant protective orders but also at night and on the weekends to safeguard â€Å"victims† of domestic abuse. Domestic violence is defined as threatened or actual abuse from someone in the victim’s immediate family or in his/her home or with whom she/he has a close relationship. Temporary restraining orders are issued by a court to restrict the conduct of a person while providing a victim with protection from the activities of an abusive person.